How long does it take to design and build a website?

The most common question that we are asked is, “how long will it take to get this project online?”

The answer is often, well it just depends. Most of the time our team requires more information about your business and the objective specific brief, to better understand the time required.

There are a few things to consider when planning a project. In this article we outlined stages from Discovery through planning to complete a website ready to go live – so how long does it really take to go live?

We’re experts not magicians.

Depending on the size and scope of the project, the time it takes to complete a digital initiative can vary significantly. At iSky digital we understand that each project is unique and we treat them with a tailored bespoke approach. We plan and craft your initiative like a high-end tailored custom suit.

Depending on the scope of your project we are able to move and be nimble as needed yet there are limits. It is often said there are cheap, fast and good pick two. With quality and craftsmanship in mind we strive to not cut corners but are flexible in working with our partners.

What we can say though is that following our process and our traditional pattern of design and development a project timeline will range from 12 to 16 weeks depending on the requirements.

The scope dictates time for delivery

There are quite a few factors to consider when estimating the time it will take to deliver your project. If your site has fewer pages and doesn’t require sophisticated functionality, then obviously it’ll take less time yet if it’s a larger site content rich with complex Integrations or you also require components of digital transformation, the time required can vary immensely.

Here are the major factors that impact the amount of time it takes to deliver a project

sitemap and number of pages – how large is your site and what is the scale of art Direction that needs to be designed

complexity and feature integration – if you have specific technical requirements such as multilingual or integration with a crm platform such as Zoho or Salesforce or perhaps email marketing May require more time to go-live

Art Direction requirements – if you already have a developed brand in a clear brand style guide in place the design elements are a lot more fluid but if you need a deep dive in Brand ID to create brand standards, this clearly requires more collaboration and time to develop.

Content – Creating compelling copy takes time. creating a Content strategy with exact messaging that you review and approve for your website is strategic and oftentimes the thing that slows a project down. While we support you with information architecture taglines and calls to action we understand that you know your business best and we rely upon you to provide the final content.

The process

If you’re wondering why we say 12 weeks (Not Every Time) As a standard, you’ll find the information that follows explains our process as we deliver every step of the way to move your digital brand online.

Week 1 Kickstart & Discovery

During the kick start meeting will get to know you and your business and discuss the intimate details of the project you will be working on. We also get all project management configured correctly so that the project has a solid base for collaboration and we have a common understanding of the goals and timeline for delivery of the project.

Week 2 UX design

After we gather all the relevant information it’s time for us to start designing the skeleton, a wireframe of your project. This step focuses heavily on the user and experience, how we envision the journey your targeted audience will take and the goals you want them to achieve within the process.

Week 3-4 UI Design

User interface design is really where the visual part of your digital brand comes to life. We utilize your brand style guide and apply our design aesthetic to the project. Upon completion of user interface design we provide interactive prototypes within the Statement of Work and take care consideration of your feedback. Keep in mind this part of the project can vary immensely project to project. Some clients take more time to give feedback and have very specific requirements. The approval process oftentimes can cause scope creep.

Week 5-10: Web Development

Once the design has been approved, We are ready to get under the hood and start coding! At iSky digital we will build your website exactly as it is designed and we will provide you with private access to the development site once everything is ready for review.

Week 11-12 QA & Testing

Know that you have access to the staging site. It’s time for Quality assurance testing and to polish your new digital brand online before we go live. At this point we allow a consolidated round of feedback so that you can finalize content before we publish your site.

Week 12 Go Live

At go live, the dishes are done, the children are in bed and it’s time to go loud and go live. If you’re concerned with the challenges a new digital brand creates, oh, you need not worry. Most of our clients turn into long-term Partnerships and we’re more than happy to continue working with you moving forward

Your project with iSky Digital

With hundreds of websites in our portfolio, we have found that 12-16 weeks is usually the minimum time you need to prepare for the new launch and just the amount of time we need to get you the website of your dreams.

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