10 Signs you probably need a new website

In this fast-paced world of ever-changing technology your customers are changing and their habits online or changing too

Having a skeleton website with limited functionality is a thing of the past. There are millions of sites online and your presence should be compelling so your audience experiences your brand of goods and services, so that your propositions reach your desired audience and convert your target segments to loyal customers for sales growth.

At  iSky digital we know that a website is made of more than just a shiny coat of paint. In order to create a successful website, it needs to not only look stunning but also needs to perform well and also drive outcomes that achieve your business objectives. don’t worry, we’re experts of form and fashion in digital brands online.

If you’re not sure if you need to rebrand your online presence here are the top 10 obvious reasons why you should  refresh your web presence online.

1. Your website is not mobile responsive

If your website does not respond to different screen sizes that’s not responsive. If your website is not responsive then perhaps you’ve been living under a rock, yet users expect your website to deliver the same experience across all devices so that they are comfortable interacting with your brand online.

Why is it important you ask? research now shows that over 60% of all traffic over the Internet comes from smartphones, surpassing desktop traffic by a country mile. Now more than ever you must deliver your brand that fits the experience that consumers find palatable. If you don’t you’re essentially ‘Turning away new business’.

2. Website loading time takes forever

Speed is the New Black as Google search now measures rankings based on speed and consumers at least 47% of them expect the first page to load within 2 seconds or less. not to mention 40% of consumers will Leave your site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Good news you’re obviously browsing our site and if you haven’t noticed which you have, we focus heavily on Cutting Edge technology, correct configuration and optimization of digital brands so that your site is a laser beam fast, not a garden hose.

3. Your bounce rate is through the roof

When a person visits your site, views a single page and chooses to leave, this is called ‘bounce rate’. This means essentially if a customer or a potential customer comes to your site, visits one page and decides instantly that your brand of goods or services is not what they’re looking for, they leave quickly and your bounce rate is counted and measured in this way. If your bounce rate is sky-high then it’s clear that your positioning of your propositions is not tailored to the audience you seek.

It’s probably time for a fresh redesign of your website,but  rest assured, we can help  you with that

4. Your website does not align with your branding

Have you recently created new collateral for your business perhaps business cards print signage and on your website, the carpets don’t quite match the new look and feel of your brand. In this modern world digital brands online are the most effective way of communicating your ‘Unique Service Proposition’. Iif your brand doesn’t match online and offline, you are sending a mixed message and  this is confusing to potential customers and that’s probably not a good look.

5. Your  website  is an ugly duckling

One of the most important things to running a business is that your management and staff take pride in your brand and are proud of your digital presence. Are you proud your website? Do you think it gives the right impression of your business? If not then it is time for brand refresh.

This shouldn’t be shocking, but according to Adobe 66% of all consumers prefer something aesthetically pleasing over something plain and vanilla. Going further the data also suggests, nearly 70% of viewers choose appealing art direction,( design and photography ) as one of the top three factors for continuing through a digital experience online.

6. Navigating your site and finding what you’re looking for is hard work

It shouldn’t be shocking either that bad user experience  creates drag on a user’s ability and appetite to navigate your website. Stunning design should make it easy for the user to have a great experience clicking through navigating and finding exactly what they’re looking for. Oftentimes websites have too much information and the structure of the information is very difficult to navigate. If your site feels confusing, it is time to upgrade to a more intuitive and seamless experience that drives the bottom line.

7. You can’t edit update or modify your website without a developer

In the days of old web developers were literally your GateKeeper and updates relied heavily on technical aptitude to make changes to your web presence. In the modern digital world,  not being able to make minor and major updates on the fly, really limits how fast you can pivot with information and posture your brand based on current events and  happenings in force majeure. Do you recall the immediate shift  during the pandemic right? By taking back control of your digital brand with a proper content management  system you will be able to be more nimble, have better control of your digital brand and save time and money.

8. You’re behind industry standards with the tech

Business is  essentially competing and outperforming the competition with technology process and  customer service.When  it comes to your website staying up-to-date with industry standards and trends definitely gives you a competitive advantage. If you’re behind the game it’s time to innovate.

9. You rank on page 14 of  Google Google search

The pink elephant online is the elusive but ever-present search engine optimization if your site is ranking poorly on Google search, It is time to focus content and placement and it may be an easier fix than you may think. At iSky digital, when we rebuild digital brands online we begin with the end in mind. Considering that traffic drives leads, leads drive sales and is essentially a key component of making sure your business stays in the black. When we rebuild your brand online our aim is top 3 in search engine placement. If your site is buried on google, it’s time to restructure your website.

10. You know it’s time to rebuild your brand and you’ve been putting it off

If you’ve been thinking about refreshing your brand because you know it’s time and it most likely is time…  we’re here to help just give us a call, fill out the form or drop us an email and we will custom tailor a solution that fits your needs.

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